Monday, October 3, 2011

Update: Posey, Herron, and Hall are all out for Nebraska game

Gene Smith just announced that Posey, Herron, and Marcus Hall are out for the Nebraska game. He is applying for reinstatement for the players, but he doesn't know if or when they will be reinstated.

Smith said this will delay the NCAA decision on punishment and he doesn't believe a lack of institutional control and failure to monitor will result because everything so far has been individual and separate violations. My question is how many individual violations happen before it is considered institutional. I hope the answer is more than what Ohio State has been found guilty of. I am also wondering why Gene Smith has his job still. I think Smith and the entire football staff needs cleaned out at the end of the season.  I would also kick Posey and Herron off the team for rest of the year. I would give Hall another chance because this is the first violation I am aware of with him, but the other 2 are repeat offenders and should be kicked off the team.

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